Recka & Associates

Recka & Associates

Green Bay and Appleton Attorneys - Recka & Associates

Recka & Associates, with offices in Green Bay and Appleton, is ready to help you through the legal stress in your life. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, need to find an attorney to form your business, are seeking a divorce, or considering filing bankruptcy then you should consider contacting us.

After talking with attorney Joe Recka, you will find peace of mind knowing you have someone to turn to for assistance. It is our goal to help you through your problems in the fastest, most dignifying manner possible.

Our Mission Statement: To empower people under the rights granted them by the State of Wisconsin and the United States of America, to balance the power of people against the rich and powerful, including insurance companies. To be steadfast in the struggle for social and economic justice and against efforts to exploit the disadvantaged. To remain steadfast against personal attacks for representing the disadvantaged and enforcing their rights.

Green Bay Office
211 S. Monroe Ave.
P.O. Box 933
Green Bay, WI 54301
Phone: (920) 435-8159
Fax: (920) 432-5126
Google Map
Green Bay Office
(View from Monroe Ave)
Green Bay Office
(View from Doty St)
Appleton Office 
Zuelke Building
103 W College Ave
Suite 606-607
Appleton, WI 54911
Phone: (920) 730-0889
Google Map 
Appleton Office Appleton Office